Hammer Corps

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A forum for members of the Hammer Corps on DCUO's USPVE server.

    Heavenly Flame

    Heavenly Flame
    Heavenly Flame

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2011-08-18

    Heavenly Flame Empty Heavenly Flame

    Post  Heavenly Flame Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:00 pm

    Character Name: Heavenly Flame
    Secret ID: Angelica Pope

    Game Information
    Role: Tank
    Power Set: Fire
    Weapon: Brawling
    Other game information: N/A

    IC Character Informaion
    Apparent Age: 24
    True Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Blonde/Red
    Skin: Pale
    Eyes: Fire/Green
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 136
    Body Composition: Athletic/Scrawny
    Mental State: Selfconfidence issues.

    Place of Residence: Metropolis
    Place of Birth: Providence, Rhode Island
    Known Relatives: None
    Friends: None to speak of
    Enemies: None that she is aware of

    Nationality: American

    History: Angelica Pope was always a quiet girl. She had made her way through college and into her masters program of archeology relying on her brains, and her books. The social life took a backseat, or rather escaped her along the way. Her only friends and compatriots were her books of study as she immersed herself in the history and culture of ancient Rome. The best part of her graduate experience was when she was offered an internship on an actual dig in Italy, a dream come true. She dove into the experience with both feet, learning all she could, and earning steady praise from her tenacious approach to the work. All was not to end happily ever after. One day, while on the dig, she was drawn to a sparkle from the dirt. Normally she would get one of the actually doctors in charge to come and investigate, but something compelled her. Inexorably she made her way forward, and began to scrape away the dirt around the mysterious gleaming object. As she pulled it free from its earthen grasp the light caught it. In her hands was a spotless silver circlet with a single red gem upon it, no sign of age or tarnish marred its surface. The first thought into her head was that it might be a prank, a modern object or a fake immersed in the dig to cause a stir, and she wanted to call out one of the doctors to take a look, but words would not come. Her eyes were fixed upon the circlet as her hands moved towards her with a mind all their own. Fear crept up inside of her and she tried to scream, but silence continued as the circlet, held by her rebellious hands moved towards her and put the circlet upon her head. In a rush power surged into her, and with nowhere else to go flowed out of her. Waves of flame billowed forth from her form engulfing the dig site. Angelica was paralyzed as before her eyes scaffolding, tents, and people burst into a fiery conflagration. Tears poured from her eyes, and turned instantly to steam upon her cheeks as the fiery conflagration raged. When finally the torrent subsided and all before her was ash and smoke she panicked. Wishing to flee the scene, her body against her will took to the air, and flew. She didn't know where she was going, or why, and no longer cared just wanting to escape. There was no way of knowing how much time passed as she travelled in a daze, but when things became clear again there was no relief from the nightmare. Rising before her was the cityscape of Metropolis, but like a giant shadow vessels dotted the skyline, and great glowing fields were being erected around key buildings. The nightmare simply continued.
    Heavenly Flame
    Heavenly Flame

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2011-08-18

    Heavenly Flame Empty Re: Heavenly Flame

    Post  Heavenly Flame Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:42 pm

    Character Name: Glimpse
    Secret ID: Crystal Chambers

    Game Information
    Role: DPS
    Power Set: Acrobatics
    Weapon: Dual-Wield
    Other game information:

    IC Character Informaion
    Apparent Age: 25
    True Age: 27
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Hair: White
    Skin: Tan
    Eyes: Grey
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 130lb
    Body Composition: Athletic and lithe
    Mental State: Cynical, sarcastic, minor traces of sadism.

    Place of Residence: Gotham
    Place of Birth: Gotham
    Known Relatives: None
    Friends: None
    Enemies: Deceased

    Nationality: American

    History: Crystal was born with a gift. She could see five seconds into the future. This presented a lot of problems growing up, as she often reacted to things that weren't there, or finished conversations. Her parents feared that she was a little 'off.' So after some soul searching they decided the only way to help their daughter out was to ship her off to a mental institution. After years of being drugged and questioned and tested, Crystal snapped, and broke out. Not knowing where to go, and feeling disoriented in the world that still made little sense to her, she scavenged on the streets dealing with all of the lower forms of society. One day a few of the degenerates that shared her fate tried to take advantage of the young thing, and she amply defended herself, knowing what they would do before they did. The fight was witnessed by a lone hero, by the name of Ace Maverick, who, seeing her potential, offered her a way off of the streets. Under his tutelage she developed her ability and learned the various arts of combat, taking most comfortably to twin blades. When she was deemed no longer a kid anymore, and Maverick felt she had learned all he could teach her, she was given supplies, recommendations, and sent out as a hero all her own.
    Heavenly Flame
    Heavenly Flame

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2011-08-18

    Heavenly Flame Empty Re: Heavenly Flame

    Post  Heavenly Flame Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:26 pm

    Character Name: After Image
    Secret ID: Alex Simmons

    Game Information
    Role: DPS
    Power Set: Superspeed
    Weapon: Martial Arts
    Other game information: Both After Image and Glimpse have been listed with their movement power as their power set, because they predominately took skill powers from their movement trees and use little to no actual abilities from their actual power sets.

    IC Character Informaion
    Apparent Age: 25
    True Age: 25
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Black
    Skin: Pale
    Eyes: Blue
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 128lb
    Body Composition: Athletic
    Mental State: Selfish, prone to risk taking

    Place of Residence: Metropolis
    Place of Birth: Ottawa
    Known Relatives: Jack and Diana Simmons (Parents)

    Nationality: Canadian

    History: Alex was an extreme sport enthusiast. Prone to risk, and thrived in the attention that it granted her when she did something dangerous and spectacular. BMX, Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Snowboarding, Surfing, if it raised your heart rate she lived and breathed it. Her plan was to strike it big with a sponsored deal, perhaps move on to the Olympics, but that ended when she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The exo-bytes changed her, infusing her with the Speed Force that flash himself uses. At first seeing it as a curse she quickly changed her tune, when she realized the best way to make a name for yourself was as a hero.
    Heavenly Flame
    Heavenly Flame

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2011-08-18

    Heavenly Flame Empty Re: Heavenly Flame

    Post  Heavenly Flame Sat Aug 20, 2011 11:57 pm

    Character Name: Lady Spellstrike
    Secret ID: Valerie Hargrave

    Game Information
    Role: Healer
    Power Set: Sorcery
    Weapon: Bow
    Other game information:

    IC Character Informaion
    Apparent Age: 19
    True Age: 21
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Blonde
    Skin: Pale
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 119lb
    Body Composition: Lithe and slim, not athletic
    Mental State: Well adjusted, but bit scatterbrained

    Place of Residence: Metropolis
    Place of Birth: Gotham
    Known Relatives: Terrence Hargrave (Father) Cindy Hargrave (Mother) Jeremiah Hargrave (Younger Brother)
    Friends: Moira McFadden
    Enemies: None

    Nationality: American

    History: Valerie was an average girl. At least she felt she was average. She was pretty, and young. She came from money, her parents being important movers and shakers in the giant of Lexcorps, but was never overly bright. Her years at college were spent more flirting with boys and going to parties than studying. What did any of that really matter anyway? The comfort in knowing her future was secured gave her the freedom to do as she chose. That surety of purpose disappeared when she found herself trapped inside of one of Brainiacs bottles on the day of the invasion. It was terrifying. She was sure she was going to die, that her beautiful life was going to come to some grisly end like a scene in Saw. Then words foreign to her escaped her lips, and suddenly she was free. There was no time to ask questions as she desperately fled. The magical powers given to her by the exo-bytes manifesting and activating on instinct as she fought her way free. Once out she was stopped by Raven of the Teen Titans who recognized her new found mystical talents, and after much debate Valerie submitted to understanding what she now possessed fearing the harm that they might cause left unchecked. Now on her own Valerie is finding a new definition of purpose defined by her talents, and reevaluating what truly makes her who she is.

    Last edited by Heavenly Flame on Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    Heavenly Flame
    Heavenly Flame

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2011-08-18

    Heavenly Flame Empty Re: Heavenly Flame

    Post  Heavenly Flame Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:51 am

    Character Name: Puffle Knight
    Secret ID: Unpronouncable by the human tongue

    Game Information
    Role: Controller
    Power Set: Hard Light
    Weapon: Rifle
    Other game information:

    IC Character Informaion
    Apparent Age: 25
    True Age: 102
    Race: Xanthian
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Changes with her mood
    Skin: Deep Red
    Eyes: Purple
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 121lb
    Body Composition: Athletic build
    Mental State: Stable, but overly enthusiastic and bubbly

    Place of Residence: Metropolis
    Place of Birth: Xanth
    Known Relatives: Father and Mother (Xanthian Ambassador)

    Nationality: Interstellar Alien

    History: The Puffle Knight was originally sent to Earth to observe the goings on of the growing species known as Earthlings. She was a well established scientist and combatant on her native home of Xanth. In the travel across the galaxies she was encountered by Brainiacs agents, and in a desperate space battle, her ship was damaged and forced an unintended crash landing on the planet in the middle of its crisis. Upon arriving, the self appointed Puffle Knight (her rough approximation of her title in English) was startled to find herself approached by a precious green ring of will, in the efforts of the lantern corps deputization to face the coming struggles with Brainiac. She is incredibly active and interested in all aspects of human society and cultural interactions. Her physiology has encountered a few minor problems in acclimatizing herself to humanity, such as alcohol is apparently toxic to her system, and dairy products seem to have an intoxicating effect on her.

    Last edited by Heavenly Flame on Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    Heavenly Flame
    Heavenly Flame

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2011-08-18

    Heavenly Flame Empty Re: Heavenly Flame

    Post  Heavenly Flame Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:09 am

    Character Name: Saphire Mallet
    Secret ID: Karen Hannah

    Game Information
    Role: DPS
    Power Set: Sorcery
    Weapon: Hand Blasters
    Other game information:

    IC Character Informaion
    Apparent Age: 11
    True Age: 11
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Hair: Brown
    Skin: Caucasian
    Eyes: Brown
    Height: 4'9
    Weight: 65lb
    Body Composition: Skinny
    Mental State: Over eager and excitable, but sane

    Place of Residence: Metropolis with her mother
    Place of Birth: Metropolis
    Known Relatives: Gina Hannah (Mother), Azure Hammer (Father?)

    Nationality: American Citizen

    History: Karen was a normal girl growing up without a father. She didn't know anything about her dad, and her mother often kept that information to herself. While it bothered her a little bit the adventurous Karen figured one day her mother would tell her, when she was ready. In the meantime there was just so much to do. Then the exobyte happened. She didn't know that her new found magical powers were from an exobyte, and upon discovering the change she quickly ran to her mother to show her what she could do. Her mother seemed horrified at first that her daughter had changed so, but then she imparted to her daughter why she had super powers. Her father was the great hero, Azure Hammer. Inspired and thrilled to finally know who her father was, and that he was a great hero, Karen was immediately inspired to go and make herself a costume, track down her father (who obviously had just been too busy saving the world to spend time with her) and follow in his footsteps with her new "birthright" powers.

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